I forgot to ask someone to take my picture...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
(Insert picture here of me jumping in pool with clothes on and baby at breast).

My friend Briawna invited me and my kids over for a swimming play date last week. It was so much fun to sit and chat with Briawna (we both just moved here, and both just had our husband's graduate from the BYU MBA program). They have a beautiful neighborhood pool. And here's a little memorable thing that happened:

The boys were playing in the water- Johnny got into a little too deep of water and I was on the side nursing Alice with a towel over me. I was watching him and I couldn't tell if he was smiling or in distress. As I looked closer I realized he was having water going in his mouth and then he started going under. I jumped up, baby still on boob (probably flashed all the other moms there) and jumped in the pool with my pants on. I lifted him out and he had a good cough up of water. He's fine now, but it was a little scary. He was surrounded by other kids/moms in the pool when this all happened. It just goes to show how easy and noiseless a kid can drown. And he had a lifejacket on! It was a sort of "light-weight" life jacket- one that evidently can't keep him up all the way.

I had just read an article a couple weeks ago that my friend Jillian had posted on facebook. It is a good one to read. It reminded me in the situation that often kids don't make any noise/abrupt movements when they are drowning, and that is just what Johnny was doing- not yelling or splashing at all. Read the article.

So moral of the story is- keep a close eye on my kids at the pool (going on my own with all 3 is kind of daunting). And next time I'll be nursing on the sidelines without my clothes on (that is just with my swimming suit on), ready to jump.


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